I specialize in a variety of areas to include diversity, equity, inclusion experiences,intersectionality challenges (i.e., race, gender, etc.), oncology distress, anxiety, depression, coping skills, grief, self-esteem/self-confidence, relationship issues, behavioral concerns, and intellectual and occupational assessment. Given the uniqueness that exists in each of us, I utilize an integrative lens framed within a multicultural context in my approach to therapy. I primarily align with Existential-Integrative therapy, where I seek to help individuals live a life with meaning and purpose by incorporating concepts from cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and other client-centered approaches.

Holistic healing and wellness are indeed personal to me. Being diagnosed with breast cancer at 28 years of age with no family history, no kids, or genetic predisposition, I could not make sense of this new reality. Through my cancer journey, I was able to heal, stand firm on my faith, and believe that greater was on the horizon. Indeed, it was and that is how Pathway 2 Purpose Wellness & Consulting, LLC was birthed into creation.